Welcome to August! Although some sessions at the Sedbergh Centre have closed for the summer we still have lots of activities going on over the next month. This includes our weekly Youth Club *, Young at Heart group, Gentle Exercise sessions, Job Club, AIG (“Advice, Information and Guidance”) ** sessions as well as our monthly Happy Café. We are also well into our Children’s Summer Activities which will run until the 15th August 2019. * Youth Club closed Tuesday 6th August and ** AIG sessions closed Monday 5th August due to holidays.
Re-opening Dates:
Toddlers Stay & Play Monday 2nd September, Pro-dance Academy Wednesday 4th September
Sport Works Multi-sports Wednesday 4th September and Saturday 7th September
Young at Heart Sessions
Our Young at Heart sessions are open to anyone who would like a fun, social afternoon among like-minded people. We have regular quizzes, games and Bingo plus occasional crafts, holistic well-being activities and gentle exercise sessions. Refreshments and biscuits are included. At the Young at Heart group we also offer occasional themed days such as the Great British Beach day which is coming up this month (see below) and we are looking forward to a trip out to Millstones in September. If you would like to join our friendly group – please feel free to pop in. We will remain open throughout the Summer apart from Wed 14th August.
Sedbergh Centre AGM
The Sedbergh Youth & Community Centre will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 17th September from 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Free Level 2 Courses
Last month, 8 people enrolled for Level 2 courses at the Sedbergh Centre through our partnership with Learning Curve. If you are interested in the next round (subject to funding) please call the centre on 01274 679843 and leave your contact details.
Looking for Men! We would like to gauge interest for a potential Man Club to take place at the Centre on Wednesdays between 11:00 and 13:00 HOURS (subject to funding). We anticipate clients will like to meet for a cuppa and a chat as well as watch TV or play cards, dominoes, pool or table tennis. We’re open to suggestions, so if you would like to take part please call Lucy at Sedbergh on 01274 679843.
Can You Help?
We are looking for donations of tombola and raffle prizes for our Christmas Fayre this year to help raise funds. As a registered charity it is crucial to keep the money coming in to help us to continue to provide activities and resources for our community. If you have any unused items (bottles, chocolate or gifts) you would like to donate please call the centre on 01274 679843 or email [email protected]
HO HO HO! I know it’s early but don’t forget to book your Christmas stalls before they sell out! The Sedbergh Centre Christmas Fayre will be held on Saturday 16th November between 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. so call 01274 679843 for details!